Set in the bustling and lively city of Lusaka, Zambia, the Kenneth Kaunda Marathon provides the best of celebrating freedom and a healthy lifestyle. Named after the great African statesman, liberator of Southern Africa and Zambia’s first President, this marathon is set in April, his birth month and boasts a picturesque urban route that samples the beauty and unique culture of Lusaka. The 2024 edition, the 3rd installment of this successful fledgling lifestyle event is special as it honours the Centennial birth year of Dr. Kaunda who would have turned 100 years old on 28 April.

This year, thousands of runners from across the world will gather in Lusaka, to participate in what is increasingly becoming an unmissable cosmopolitan fitness and lifestyle festival on both the Zambian and African calendar to celebrate the eternal works and legacy of Dr. Kaunda as well as the healthy lifestyle he so passionately championed. This is one of the flagship events of the Lusaka Fitness Squad, a team that encourages healthy living through regular exercise and draws its membership from the greater Lusaka area.

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